DC Heavy Metal the Flame Thrower!

I’ve had people asking for a while now about getting DC Heavy Metal shirts and I’ve finally gotten a solution! I’ve opened a Red Bubble shop that’s print-to-order with several DCHM designs including the classic Abraham Lincoln in King Diamond corpse paint, Richard Nixon Vol. 4, and De Mysteriis Dom Metal Chris. In addition I’ve added a couple of new designs including an old school Metallica parody and for those who don’t only wear black, a white Fugazi inspired parody shirt. There’s also a shirt for my podcast, the Metal Embassy Podcast, with a logo by the Lord of the Logos himself Christophe Szpajdel.

Anyways, the link to the DCHM shirt shop is here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/DCHM/shop

Please note: if I see you wearing one of these at a metal show I will personally give you a high five!

New DCHM shirts!

Can’t figure out what to get your favorite local metal head for the holidays? Looking for something you can wear to any metal show you go to regardless of genre of the bands playing? We’ve got you covered here at DCHM! The Richard Nixon Vol 4 design and our brand new design, The True DCHM, are ready to be preordered and shipped in time for Xmas arrival if you get your order in by Sunday, December 15th. We will still accept orders after that through December but no guaranteed shipping on orders after the 15th. Get either shirt in men’s S-XL or women’s (girly cut) S-XL for $15 each including shipping! 2XL will cost an additional $1. If you’d like a larger size or different style shirt, say a long sleeve or tank top, send me an email at DCHeavyMetal@Gmail.com and we can work out the cost for that, though I cannot guarantee Xmas shipping on special orders (I’ll try my best though!). These are quality shirts and while I’m trying my best to keep the cost down for you, they aren’t cheap materials, I want them to last! The men’s shirts are all Gildan brand (a lot of bands use these) and the women’s shirts are Bella.

To pay with Paypal go here and send money to:


You don’t have to have an existing Paypal account to use it to pay and you can use a credit card. Be sure to include a note in the message section with whatever address you want the item(s) shipped to and what size you want. If for some reason you don’t send the note properly, just email me from the same email address you made your payment from with the size and shipping info. If you don’t send me the right amount I’m just going to refund your purchase and you’ll have to try again. If you are opposed to Paypal I have started using Square now which will also accept credit cards so just email me and we can find a way for you to pay using that.

I hope you all like these designs as much as I do. If you’re not sure of the references, the yellow one is a parody of the album cover of Black Sabbath Vol. 4 (see the original here) but with Richard Nixon in place of Ozzy. The blue shirt is a parody of the classic Mayhem album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (see the original here) but with the Capitol Building instead of the old church in blue. Order soon because I’m not going to order many of these shirts above the preorder numbers, maybe not any extra of the Mayhem design.

That’s me in the blue shirt and yes I really did go to see the National Christmas Tree in corpse paint. Both of the shirt designs were my idea but since my graphic design skills aren’t as good as my ideas I got RJ Mahoney to actually create them for me. The photos in this post were all shot by Louie Palu and you can see more of his work here. He’s a great photographer and this is probably the most ridiculous thing he’s had to photograph. The black metal style corpse paint makeup in these photos was done by Jessie Campbell, a local freelance make up artist (and metal head) who you can hire for your next photo shoot here. She’s also the model in the girly Nixon shirt. The shirts themselves are printed by MiNDJACKET Designs who can print your band’s shirts too.

If you have any questions about any of this feel free to send me an email at DCHeavyMetal@Gmail.com

A Black Shirt For Black Friday

Well it is Black Friday and starting today, November 23rd 2012 through Sunday December 2nd I’m going to be doing a presale for DCHeavyMetal.com t-shirts. I’ve had a lot of people ask me about them lately so I’m going to print up another batch. The artwork will be the black and white version of Abe Lincoln in the King Diamond style corpse paint printed on the front a black Gildan tshirt. The artwork, shown below, was drawn by Joshy Brettell (drummer of the local metal band Ilsa) and you can see some more of his awesome artwork here. The shirts are being printed by MiNDJACKET Designs, check them out here and here if you need some shirts made or just like funny shirts. They will be selling various other shirts at the Spellbound Freak Bazaar on Sat the 24th from 5pm to 9pm. Details on that event are posted here.

Now here’s how this is going to work. Instead of guessing how many shirts I need of each size I’m going to let you all tell me by preordering. I am doing this now so that I can have them shipped to everyone before Christmas, because nothing says holiday spirit like a local metal site’s parody shirt of the guy who sings No Presents For Christmas. Just be sure to get your order in to me by December 2nd. The sizes will be US men’s sizes S, M, L, XL and XXL. I might be able to do bigger but you’ll need to contact me before you order if you need that. I’m also going to have girlie shirts available, and they’ll be the same price. The girlie shirts will be sizes S, M, L and XL. So here’s the prices:

$15 per shirt including shipping to anywhere in the US
Add $1.50 per shirt if you are paying via Paypal using a credit/debit card (you do not have to pay the extra $1.50 if you paying with Paypal directly from a bank account).
Add $1 if you need size XXL. If you need a size larger than XXL please email me at DCHeavyMetal@Gmail.com before you order so I can figure out what the price will be and if I can even do it in time for Xmas.

To pay with Paypal go here and send money to:


Be sure to include a note in the Message section with whatever address you want the item shipped to and what size you want. If for some reason you don’t send the note properly, just email me from the same email address you made your payment from with the size and shipping info. If you don’t send me the right amount I’m just going to refund your purchase and you’ll have to try again.

I am trying to make this as cheap as possible for everyone. If you don’t want to use Paypal you can just give me cash at an upcoming metal show. During the time this promotion is running you’ll be able to find me at High On Fire at the Rock & Roll Hotel Nov 23rd (details here) and Biipiigwan at Casa Fiesta on Nov 30th (details here) and Cannibal Corpse at the Rock & Roll Hotel Dec 1st (details here). I’ll be the dude with the DSLR, beard and wearing one of these shirts as well so come up and talk to me. If for some reason you need international shipping I am not guaranteeing that for Xmas delivery, and you’ll need to email me at DCHeavyMetal@Gmail.com so we can figure out what shipping to your country will cost. If you are someone who knows me personally already and I see you at shows a lot, email me first and I can drop the shipping charges if you want to just meet me at a metal show or something. Also, I DO NOT want to trade shirts for one from your band or whatever else. I’m not doing this for profit and trading shirts basically turns this into a loss for me. If you want one buy one, I’m not interested in trading. I’m not planning on printing any extra shirts, just what you people order through December 2nd. If you want one now is the time to get one. If you have any other questions, just email me or ask me in person at one of the above mentioned shows.